Request Rejected
If you are attempting to file a claim for unemployment,
or wanting information about your claim in Oregon,
please call 1-877-345-3484.
You may also try using the contact button at
Please include this Support ID: 2024.1209. in your message.
This system is for authorized use only. By using this system, you give consent for the
Oregon Employment Department to monitor your usage. Unauthorized use could result in criminal
prosecution or civil penalties.
To ensure people can securely file unemployment claims on this site, we may monitor network
traffic. We will report any unauthorized attempts to access, upload, change, or damage
information to the appropriate officials. These criminal acts are strictly forbidden.
They are punishable under state law and federal statutes, including the Computer Fraud
and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.
We will report evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity to law enforcement.
Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, we will not attempt to identify
individual users or their usage habits.
State of Oregon - Employment Department